The Journal of Korean Physical Therapy Indexed in /covered by CAS, KoreaScience & DOI/Crossref:eISSN 2287-156X   pISSN 1229-0475

The Journal of Korean Physical Therapy Indexed in /covered by CAS, KoreaScience & DOI/Crossref:eISSN 2287-156X pISSN 1229-0475

Table. 2.

Table. 2.

Comparison of the changing value (the strength with external scapular stabilization-the strength without external scapular stabilization) of shoulder flexor in the group with and without scapular winging

Groups Without external scapular stabilization (kg) (ICC) With external scapular stabilization (kg) (ICC) Changing values of strength (kg) t value p-value
With scapular winging (n= 15) 9.83± 6.13 13.46± 2.52 3.63 -8.57 0.009*
(7.73-12.61) (10.28-15.61)
-0.71 -0.83
Without scapular winging (n= 15) 15.84± 4.13 16.21± 1.73 0.37 -0.92 0.079
(11.83-18.61) (13.72-18.61)
-0.81 -0.86
t-value 11.48
p-value 0.007

Values are presented as mean±standard deviation (95% confidence interval).

ICC, indicated test-retest Intra-class correlation coefficients (ICC).

indicated the significant differences of changing values between each group.


J Kor Phys Ther 2021;33:252-7
© 2021 J Kor Phys Ther