The Journal of Korean Physical Therapy Indexed in /covered by CAS, KoreaScience & DOI/Crossref:eISSN 2287-156X   pISSN 1229-0475

The Journal of Korean Physical Therapy Indexed in /covered by CAS, KoreaScience & DOI/Crossref:eISSN 2287-156X pISSN 1229-0475

Table. 2.

Table. 2.

Comparison of the changes in the trunk muscle activity, muscle fatigue, Balance within experimental groupⅠand experimental groupⅡ

Group Mean± SD (n= 15) t p
Pre-test Post-test
Muscle activity
Experimental Ⅰ
Paretic RA 104.85±13.42 110.65±10.48 -2.224 0.043*
Paretic TRA 107.61±7.35 113.08±10.33 -2.239 0.042*
Non Paretic RA 128.96±16.95 134.97±11.79 -2.310 0.037*
Non Paretic TRA 123.16±10.90 127.62±12.49 -2.196 0.045*
Experimental Ⅱ
Paretic RA 102.92±11.83 110.53±11.16 -3.01 0.009**
Paretic TRA 109.67±5.07 117.63±13.54 -2.458 0.028*
Non Paretic RA 120.07±15.12 132.49±10.61 -4.328 0.001**
Non Paretic TRA 115.80±10.29 120.16±14.33 -2.750 0.016*
Muscle fatigue
Experimental Ⅰ
Paretic RA 71.85±9.10 71.62±8.15 0.472 0.644
Paretic TRA 77.39±10.16 76.18±9.92 0.733 0.475
Non Paretic RA 73.09±7.15 73.72±6.90 -0.442 0.665
Non Paretic TRA 75.00±6.06 72.39±9.84 1.834 0.088
Experimental Ⅱ
Paretic RA 72.58±8.94 68.63±7.95 3.633 0.003**
Paretic TRA 73.25±6.63 67.18±9.28 2.825 0.013*
Non Paretic RA 70.34±6.50 65.23±8.18 2.384 0.032*
Non Paretic TRA 73.65±7.54 65.37±11.27 4.257 0.001**
Experimental Ⅰ TIS 10.87±3.25 13.40±3.42 -2.818 0.014*
Experimental Ⅱ TIS 10.67±1.59 13.13±3.48 -3.579 0.003**

RA: Rectus Abdominis, TRA: Transverse Abdominis, TIS: Trunk Impairment Scale.

Paired t-test. *p< 0.05, **p< 0.01.

J Kor Phys Ther 2022;34:205-11
© 2022 J Kor Phys Ther