The Journal of Korean Physical Therapy Indexed in /covered by CAS, KoreaScience & DOI/Crossref:eISSN 2287-156X   pISSN 1229-0475

The Journal of Korean Physical Therapy Indexed in /covered by CAS, KoreaScience & DOI/Crossref:eISSN 2287-156X pISSN 1229-0475

Table. 2.

Table. 2.

Comparison of balance ability among pre, post, and follow up test

Pre Post F/U F p
DB BBS (score) 42.50±7.81, 50.75±4.52§ 49.15±4.63 28.95 <0.001*
SB Path length (cm) 82.92±15.44 81.43±15.99 81.78±16.81 0.69 0.500
Velocity (cm/s) 2.76±0.51 2.71±0.53 2.72±0.56 0.71 0.500
Area 95% (cm2) 3.96±2.54 3.16±1.46∥ 3.80±1.67 2.59 0.090
Weight distribution (%) 47.69±3.35 52.17±4.21** 49.01±3.51 7.68 <0.001*

Values represent as mean±SD. DB: Dynamic balance, SB: Static balance, F/U: follow up. *p<0.05, : Significant difference between pre and post, : Significant difference between pre and F/U, §: Significant difference between post and F/U, : Significant difference between post and F/U, : Significant difference between pre and post, **: Significant difference between post and F/U.

J Kor Phys Ther 2023;35:200-5
© 2023 J Kor Phys Ther