The Journal of Korean Physical Therapy Indexed in /covered by CAS, KoreaScience & DOI/Crossref:eISSN 2287-156X   pISSN 1229-0475

The Journal of Korean Physical Therapy Indexed in /covered by CAS, KoreaScience & DOI/Crossref:eISSN 2287-156X pISSN 1229-0475

Table. 3.

Table. 3.

Comparison of balance ability between the experimental and control groups

Experimental group (n= 12) Control group (n= 12) Interaction
F p††
TUG (sec) Pre 11.43±2.18 12.71±3.00 5.952 0.023*
Post 10.78±2.17 12.46±2.96
Change -0.65±0.29 -0.24±0.49
p <0.001* 0.110
FRT (cm) Pre 20.88±3.74 20.24±4.13 0.385 0.541
Post 22.24±4.16 21.33±4.31
Change +1.36±0.91 +1.08±1.23
p <0.001* 0.011*
BBS (score) Pre 35.91±6.44 36.58±6.00 5.037 0.035*
Post 37.58±6.17 37.08±6.03
Change +1.66±1.43 +0.50±1.08
p 0.002* 0.139

Values represent as Mean±Standard Deviation. TUG: Timed Up Go test, FRT: Functional Reaching Test, BBS: Berg’s Balance Scale. Paired t-test, ††Two-way reapeated measures ANOVA. *p<0.05.

J Kor Phys Ther 2024;36:61-6
© 2024 J Kor Phys Ther