The Journal of Korean Physical Therapy Indexed in /covered by CAS, KoreaScience & DOI/Crossref:eISSN 2287-156X   pISSN 1229-0475

The Journal of Korean Physical Therapy Indexed in /covered by CAS, KoreaScience & DOI/Crossref:eISSN 2287-156X pISSN 1229-0475

Table. 2.

Table. 2.

Health status and behavior characteristics of participants with stroke

Factors Categories Normal (n= 9,456) Stroke (n= 142) p

M or % M or %
BMI Low 2.2 3.1 0.187
Normal 57.7 50.2
Overweight 34.0 42.4
Obesity 6.1 4.2
Smoking status Current 26.9 23.3 0.127
Past 35.4 44.8
Non 31.9 31.9
Drinking status Yes 63.2 64.9 0.714
No 36.8 35.1
Aerobic exercise Yes 49.5 48.6 0.853
Resistance exercise Never 73.2 74.2 0.605
Mid 15.8 17.8
High 10.9 8.1
Subjective health status Bad 14.2 42.0 < 0.001**
Normal 54.7 42.9
Good 31.0 15.2
Comorbidities conditions
Hypertension 33.3 49.9 < 0.001**
Diabetes 45.3 60.7 0.002*
High triglyceride 37.6 44.6 0.150
Low HDL-C 30.9 29.0 0.660
Abdominal obesity 35.2 46.3 0.016*

BMI: body mass index, HDL-C: high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, M: mean. *p<0.05, **p<0.001.

J Kor Phys Ther 2024;36:219-25
© 2024 J Kor Phys Ther