The Journal of Korean Physical Therapy Indexed in /covered by CAS, KoreaScience & DOI/Crossref:eISSN 2287-156X   pISSN 1229-0475

The Journal of Korean Physical Therapy Indexed in /covered by CAS, KoreaScience & DOI/Crossref:eISSN 2287-156X pISSN 1229-0475

Table. 3.

Table. 3.

Multiple logistic regression for stroke risk factors

Factors Categories Crude Adjusted

OR (95% CI) p OR (95% CI) p
Age 1.088 (1.056–1.122) < 0.001** 1.077 (1.039–1.117) < 0.001**
Sex Male 1.509 (0.993–2.294) 0.054 1.818 (0.973–3.399) 0.061
Female 1 1
Education Elementary 3.283 (1.805–5.972) < 0.001** 1.472 (0.679–3.187) 0.327
Middle 2.837 (1.57–5.127) < 0.001** 1.602 (0.763–3.364) 0.213
High 1.454 (0.914–2.314) 0.114 1.179 (0.713–1.950) 0.521
University 1 1
Marital status With 1 1
Without 1.793 (1.183–2.718) 0.006* 1.552 (1.009–2.386) 0.045*
Personal income Q1 (Lowest) 1.901 (1.116–3.24) 0.018* 1.306 (0.708–2.410) 0.393
Q2 1.316 (0.743–2.329) 0.347 1.179 (0.638–2.178) 0.599
Q3 0.878 (0.475–1.625) 0.678 0.868 (0.453–1.664) 0.670
Q4 (Highest) 1 1
BMI Low 1.651 (0.493–5.536) 0.417 1.681 (0.481–5.878) 0.416
Normal 1 1
Overweight 1.435 (0.97–2.123) 0.071 0.954 (0.513–1.771) 0.880
Obesity 0.799 (0.41–1.557) 0.508 0.379 (0.153–0.941) 0.379
Smoking status Current 1.021 (0.612–1.703) 0.937 0.554 (0.284–1.078) 0.082
Past 1.489 (0.957–2.318) 0.078 0.953 (0.527–1.723) 0.872
Non 1 1
Drinking status Yes 1.075 (0.729–1.586) 0.714 1.084 (0.719–1.634) 0.700
No 1 1
Aerobic exercise Yes 1 1
No 0.964 (0.651–1.427) 0.853 0.966 (0.658–1.421) 0.862
Resistance exercise Never 1.11 (0.668–1.844) 0.326 1.286 (0.627–2.642) 0.492
Mid 0.73 (0.349–1.528) 0.402 1.718 (0.757–3.899) 0.195
High 1 1
Subjective health status Bad 6.045 (3.378–10.819) < 0.001** 5.293 (2.847–9.841) < 0.001**
Normal 1.605 (0.904–2.849) 0.106 1.566 (0.873–2.810) 0.132
Good 1 1
Comorbidities conditions
Blood pressure Normal 1 1
Hypertension 1.998 (1.348–2.961) < 0.001** 1.572 (1.042–2.374) 0.031*
Fasting glucose Normal 1 1
Diabetes 1.866 (1.241–2.807) 0.003* 1.273 (0.821–1.974) 0.281
TG Normal 1 1
High 1.333 (0.900–1.975) 0.151 1.098 (0.690–1.747) 0.693
HDL-C Normal 1 1
Low 0.912 (0.603–1.378) 0.660 0.773 (0.496–1.206) 0.256
WC (cm) Normal 1 1
Abdominal obesity 1.589 (1.087–2.322) 0.017* 1.332 (0.726–2.444) 0.354

BMI: body mass index, TG: triglycerides, HDL-C: high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, WC: waist circumference, OR: odds ratio, CI: confidence interval. *p<.05, **p<0.001.

J Kor Phys Ther 2024;36:219-25
© 2024 J Kor Phys Ther