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Survey on Tele-Rehabilitation Therapy Awareness Among Primary Caregivers of Dementia Patients
J Kor Phys Ther 2024;36(6):190-198
Published online December 31, 2024;
© 2024 The Korea Society of Physical Therapy.

Ae-Lyeong Kwon1, Hye-Jin Jang1, Ki-Jeon Kim2

1Department of Rehabilitation and Health, Graduate School of General, Hallym University, Chuncheon, Republic of Korea, 2Department of Rehabilitation and Health, Graduate School of Health Science, Hallym University, Chuncheon, Republic of Korea
Ki-Jeon Kim
Received November 18, 2024; Revised December 3, 2024; Accepted December 27, 2024.
This is an Open Access article distribute under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-commercial License ( which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution,and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Purpose: This study aims to investigate the awareness of primary caregivers for patients with dementia on tele-rehabilitation and the need for tele-rehabilitation therapy.
Methods: The participants in this study are those who care for dementia patients and those who directly care for dementia patients, such as relatives, caregivers, or nursing assistants. The survey was conducted from May 20 to June 20, 2024 through an online questionnaire. The SPSS 23.0 program was used to analyze the collected data, and frequency analysis and a 5-point Likert scale were used. A Pearson correlation analysis was conducted to find out the correlation between the general characteristics of dementia patient caregivers and their awareness of tele-rehabilitation therapy.
Results: Most of the respondents said that tele-rehabilitation treatment is possible and that it will help with the painful area. They answered that it will be easy to utilize the treatment space and communicate with the physical therapist, and that it can also help dementia patients. The correlation between participant characteristics and awareness of tele-rehabilitation therapy showed a negative correlation in the questionnaire and gender, age, care time, care period, and rehabilitation experience, and a positive correlation in the questionnaire and age, location, and desired therapy area.
Conclusion: Tele-rehabilitation therapy is a therapy method suitable for patients in special environments with limited time and movement, such as caregivers of dementia patients, so it is necessary to provide them with as much information and assistance as possible.
Keywords : Dementia patients caregiver, Remote rehabilitation therapy, Tele-rehabilitation therapy awareness

December 2024, 36 (6)
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