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Correlation Between BBS, FRT, STI, TUG, MBI, and Falling in Stroke Patients
J Kor Soc Phys Ther 2008;20(4):1-6
Published online August 25, 2008
© 2008 The Korean Society of Physical Therapy.

Han-Suk Lee, PT, PhD; Jin-Ho Choi, PT, PhD

Department of Physical Therapy, Gang Dong Gu Health Care Center, 1Department of Physical Therapy, College of
Health & Therapy, Daegu Haany University
Purpose: We studied the correlation between BBS (Berg Balance Scale), Functional Reach Test (FRT), Timed-Up & Go test (TUG), Stability Index (STI), MBI (Modified Barthel Index), and Fall History. Methods: We recruited 20 stroke patients from the Gang Dong Gu Health Care Center in Seoul, Korea. All subjects could walk with or without an assisting device. Subjects first completed a questionnaire pertaining to their fall history and Activity of Daily Living (MBI), and then were evaluated with BBS, TUG, FRT, and STI. We used the Tetrax posturography system that calculates a STI based on fluctuations in vertical ground reaction forces. The data were analyzed using a Pearson Correlation Coefficient. Results: The BBS and FRT (p<0.05) and MBI (p<0.01) showed a significant positive correlation. BBS negatively correlated with STI and TUG (p<0.01). Fall history and BBS, TUG, MBI, FR, STI did not correlate. Conclusion: The BBS helps predict weight shifting, walking, and ADL, but is not good for predicting fall risk. So, we need to study about factors that affect falling.
Keywords : Berg balance scale, Fall history, Functional reach test, Modified barthel index, Stability index, Stroke, Timed-up & go test

October 2024, 36 (5)
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