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Comprehension of Capsaicin for a Experimental Part of Physical Therapy
J Kor Soc Phys Ther 2001;13(1):219-227
Published online February 25, 2001
© 2001 The Korean Society of Physical Therapy.

Kim, Dong-Hyun, P.T.; Kim, Jin-Sang, D.V.M., Ph.D.

Major in Physical Therapy, Graduate School of Rehabiltiation Science, Taegu University; Department of Physical Therapy, College of Rehabiltiation Science, Taegu University
Capsaicin. a vanillyl amide(8-methy1-N-vanilly1-6-nonenamide) with a molecular weight of 305.42, was substance, interrupting the pain conducting pathway Until recently the neurotoxic effects of Capsaicin to adult animals were thought to be limited to the peripheral nervous system. But several reports suggest the possibility of central nervous system changes after Capsaicin administration to the adult rat. Capsaicin desensitization is defined as long lasting, reversible suppression of sensory neuron activity. How fast and for how long the desensitization develops is related to the dose and time of exposure to Capsaicin, and the interval between consecutive dosing. In the long term Capsaicin treatment can lead to morphological degeneration and changes in some small sensory neurons, predominantly unmyelinated C fiber afferent nerve fibers. Clinical interest has recently been roused by evidence that Capsaicin''s desensitizing action may be of therapeutic value and that an endogenous Capsaicin-1 ike substance may exist. This study summarizes the fundamental knowledge(mechanism, receptors, et al of Capsaicin) of Capsaicin for physical therapists.

August 2024, 36 (4)
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